Membership Community

The LIMA being founders invite you to join our ongoing LIMA beings community. As a member, on the first Friday of the month you will receive a video of Chris, Lynn, Barrie & Kathy using real-world examples to explore a particular aspect of how the science of ABCs (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence) can help us behave more effectively and compassionately with ourselves, with friends and family, with colleagues and clients, with strangers and, perhaps even with adversaries. On the third Friday of the month our incredible community of members gathers on Zoom to participate in a live and lively conversation focused by questions that arise out of the recorded video. The insight and vulnerability expressed in these conversations has been remarkable month after month, and we warmly welcome what you have to bring to the community. In addition, all members have access to a private Facebook group for ongoing sharing and reflection.

Membership Details

  • Pre-recorded Conversations

    The pre-recorded conversations (90 minutes) will be released and uploaded to our online platform on the first Friday of every month at 8:30 am PST. You will have access to these conversations as long as you continue your membership.

  • Live Community Calls

    The live calls (90 minutes) with the entire community will be held on the third Friday of the month at 8:30 am PST. The live calls will also be uploaded to the online platform and be available to view for 60 days prior to being archived.

  • Online Community

    You’ll be invited to share your experience in our private Facebook group. We encourage you to post, share images, and connect with others in this group. This work takes a village!

Rave Reviews!

"LIMA Beings was spurred to life due to the pandemic and a need for connection but has evolved into so much more. A place for animal professionals, who have embraced compassion for and connection with others (humans and other animals), to improve these skills by learning from each other. Every Founders and Community call is riddled with eye-opening moments and perspectives. Finding compassion for others and myself is not always easy. This community provides a safe place for open discussion and learning." - Debbie, community member

Behavioral Aspirations for Participants

By enrolling in this program, I aspire to the following principles and practices, to help support a welcoming, inclusive space in which all participants are free to learn and grow.

  • Practice curiosity.

  • Maintain clarity between when I am sharing opinions and when I am sharing facts.

  • Assume the best of one another, both in & outside of the group.

Membership Agreements

By enrolling in this program I agree to the following:

  • I remain responsible for my actions.

  • I understand that none of the founders is a professional therapist or counselor and I hereby agree to hold them harmless.

  • I understand that the founders and the community will not be "fixing" or providing solutions to specific problems.

  • I understand this is not a place for processing trauma and I am responsible for taking care of myself and my wellbeing.

  • I hold any personal material shared by the participants and founders as confidential.

  • Sessions will be recorded and if I choose to share my video, it will be captured on the recording.

  • It is not an option to participate while remaining anonymous; any comments or contributions to the conversations will be identified by my name.


  • When will I be charged for the membership site?

    Monthly on the date you made your original purchase.

  • Can I cancel my membership?

    Yes, you can do so at any time.